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Chlorea fibula - Reeve, 1842
Philippines. Panay island. Mount Candati .August 1992.
F+/Gem  /  16-18mm
w/o. some w/ animal dried inside. from Panay island
2.00 EUR
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Chlorea virgo - Broderip, 1841
Philippines. Mindanao. Camiguin. Itum. in native forest. July 2008.
F+  /  34mm
completely white
25.00 EUR
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Chrysallis fischeri - Hidalgo, 1889
Philippines. Central WP. Palawan. Calamianes Island. June 2006.
F++  /  3mm
Olive green or dark brown with paler bands.
6.00 EUR
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Cochlostyla bruguieriana - (Pfeiffer, 1845)
Philippines. Romblon. san Augustin. in native forest. May 2004.
F++  /  28mm
6.00 EUR
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Cochlostyla faunus - Broderip, 1841
Philippines. Luzon Island. Quezon. Sogod. In forest. June 2011.
F+++  /  55mm
From Sogod
4.00 EUR
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Cochlostyla ticaonica - (Broderip, 1841)
Philippines. Ticao island. San Miguel point. June 2006.
F+/F+++  /  54-56mm
From Ticao island. Some w/cuticle.
6.00 EUR
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Colocochlia cryptica - Broderip, 1841
Philippines. Samar. September 1996.
F+  /  54mm
5.00 EUR
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Colocochlia siquijorensis - Broderip, 1841
Philippines. Siquijor island. Near Cantabon cave. July 2004.
F++  /  52mm
Most w/cuticle.
10.00 EUR
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Dolichostyla virgata sylvanus - (Broderip, 1841-)
Philippines. Mindanao. Mindoro. In tropical forest. August 2009.
F+  /  35-48mm
Different patterns. Almost never w/ perfect proto.
1.50 EUR
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Dryocochlias metaformis - Ferussac, 1821
Philippines. Luzon. Zambales. San Marcelino.Mount Pili. June 2004.
F+  /  43mm
6.00 EUR
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Eulota mighelsiana - (Pfeiffer, 1856)
Philippines. Palawan. Balabac. September2009.
F+/Gem  /  18mm
From Balabac.
2.00 EUR
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Helicostyla annulata - Sowerby, 1841
Philippines. N Luzon. September 1970.
F++  /  22mm
Many different patterns. Background off-white or yellow.
2.00 EUR
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Helicostyla cf. rufogastra - Lesson, 1821
Philippines. Cagayancillo island. Under leavesin forest. February 2011.
F+/Gem  /  52-65mm
From Cagayancillo.
3.00 EUR
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Helicostyla coccomelos - (Sowerby, 1841)
Philippines. Sibuyan island. In native forest. July 1968.
F++  /  44mm
6.00 EUR
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Helicostyla daphnis - Broderip, 1841
Philippines. S Cebu. Santander mountains. October 2011.
F+/Gem  /  46-53mm
Very dark brown or pale brown. Some w/cuticle.
4.00 EUR