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Perotrochus hirasei - Pilsbry, 1903
China. East China Sea. Trawled at 350m.June 2008.
F+ / 62mm
w/o. with parnacles attached.
18.00 EUR
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Perotrochus westralis - (Whitehead, 1987)
Australia. WA. Off Broome. Rowley shoals.Trawled at 300m. September 2008.
F+ / 77mm
repaired crab bite on penultimate whorl. w/o. Pale yellowish orange.
50.00 EUR
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Perotrochus westralis - (Whitehead, 1987)
Australia. WA. Off Broome. Rowley shoals.Trawled at 300m. September 2008.
F+ / 73mm
w/o. Lip slightly rough.
45.00 EUR
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Perotrochus westralis - (Whitehead, 1987)
Australia. WA. Off Broome. Rowley shoals.Trawled at 300m. September 2008.
F++ / 86mm
60.00 EUR
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Perotrochus westralis - Whitehead, 1978
Australia. NWA. Off Broome. Rowley Shoals.Trawled at 300m. September 2008.
F+ / 80mm
60.00 EUR
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Perotrochus westralis - Whitehead, 1987
Australia. WA. Off Broome. Rowley shoals.Trawled at 300m. September 2008.
F+ / 99mm
w/o, nice size. some growth marks. Nice slit and aperture. with more orange as usual.
60.00 EUR
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Perotrochus westralis - Whitehead, 1987
Australia. WA. Off Broome. Rowley shoals.Trawled at 300m. September 2008.
F+ / 93mm
w/o. Nice specimen. Some chips in aperture and slit.
45.00 EUR
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Perotrochus westralis - Whitehead, 1987
Australia. NWA. Off Broome. Rowley Shoals.Trawled at 300m. September 2008.
F++ / 57mm
w/o. Some growth marks and small chips near aperture.
35.00 EUR
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Perotrochus westralis - Whitehead, 1987
Australia. NWA. Off Broome. Rowley Shoals.Trawled at 300m. September 2008.
Gd / 71mm
bad specimen, bargain.
3.00 EUR
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Pleurotomaria fossil species
Madagascar. Sakaraha. February 2011.
F+ / 58mm
20.00 EUR