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Gemmula kieneri - (Doumet, 1840)
China. East China Sea. Zheijang province. off Dong Tou. Trawled at 80-120m. April 2015.
F  /  56mm
lip damage
3.00 EUR
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Gemmula kieneri - (Doumet, 1840)
China. East China Sea. Zheijang province. off Dong Tou. Trawled at 80-120m. April 2015.
F/F+  /  48mm
growth scar
3.00 EUR
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Gemmula kieneri - (Doumet, 1840)
South Africa. Natal. Off Durban Bluff. In sand dredgings. August 1982.
F+  /  39mm
2.00 EUR
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Gemmula kieneri - (Doumet, 1840)
South Africa. Natal. Off Durban Bluff. In sanddredgings. August 1982.
F+  /  51mm
2.00 EUR
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Gemmula kieneri - Dorimet, 1840
Philippines. Aliguay island. in tangle nets at 60-120m. September 2001.
F/F+  /  41mm
growth line on penultimate whorl
2.00 EUR
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Gemmula kieneri - Doumat, 1840
Philippines. Bohol. March 1986.
F/F+  /  56mm
from Bohol
2.00 EUR
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Gemmula rarimaculata - Kuroda and Oyama, 1971
South Africa. Durban. Trawled. March 2002.
F  /  16mm
lip damage
3.00 EUR
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Gemmula rarimaculata - Kuroda and Oyama, 1971
South Africa. Natal. Off Richards Bay. Dredged at 240m. October 1974.
F  /  18mm
2.00 EUR
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Gemmula speciosa - (Reeve, 1842)
China. South China Sea. Paracel islands. Money island. Trawled at 40-80m. July 2018.
F/F+  /  63mm
Scar on sipho. A little rough. w/some perio.
2.50 EUR
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Gemmula speciosa - Olivera, 2004
China. East China Sea. Zheijang province. off Dong Tou. Trawled at 80-120m. April 2015.
F+  /  52mm
Large barnacle attached.
5.00 EUR
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Gemmula unedo - (Kiener, 1833)
Mozambique. Nacala Bay. November 2001.
F/F+  /  65mm
spire damage and chips in lip.
4.00 EUR
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Gemmula unedo - (Kiener, 1839)
Dongsha Qunda Archipelago, Nanwei-Tan,200km S of Hong-Kong, trawled on mudbottom at 120-200m, march 2001.
F+/F+++  /  47mm
interesing locality (Dongsha Quanda Archipelago)
4.00 EUR
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Gemmula unedo - (Kiener, 1839)
China. East China Sea. Zheijang province.off Dong Tou. Trawled at ca 160m. June 2009
F  /  99mm
lip damage and growth line near lip. Good size.
4.00 EUR
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Gemmula unedo - (Kiener, 1839)
China. East China Sea. Zheijang province.off Dong Tou. Trawled at ca 160m. June 2009
F  /  100mm
heavy growth scar. Robust shell for this species. Good size.
4.00 EUR
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Gemmula unedo - (Kiener, 1839)
China. East China Sea. Zheijang province.off Dong Tou. Trawled at ca 160m. June 2009
F  /  89mm
lip damaged
4.00 EUR